A Lap in the Wishing Well (2024 November 2 Session Report)

Ed K. (DMing), Paul G. (Zoozeki, Elf Wizard 10), Scott W. (Smudge, Shadar-kai Rogue 8 / Barbarian 2) (Martin, Dwarf Cleric 10), Dane W. (Tudoi, Dwarf Cleric 10).

Last time, we dodged the jaws of hounds of Tindalos in a weird, non-Euclidean world before returning to our home dimension to investigate what may or may not be a wishing well.

Tudo speaks with dead. He questions the skeletal corpses with the oldest gear.

Q: How did you die?
A: Wishing.

Q: What's a safe way to use the well?
A: Don't.

Q: What did you wish for?
A: Long life.

Q: What's a safe way to leave the room?
A: Down the well.

Q: How did you reach this well?
A: Underwater passage.

We question the second oldest skeletal corpse.

Q: How did you get here?
A: Through the angles.

Q: What did you wish for?
A: To survive trip back through angles.

Tudo find a small diamond next to the skeleton's hand (which Zoozeki determines to be non-magical). The other two bodies each have a gold coin in or near their their hands. (We see both gems and coins scattered at the bottom of the well.)

Q: Did you take anything from the pool?
A: A diamond.

Q: Why did you come to the well?
A: Didn't mean to. Walked angles and arrived.

Q: Did you die as a direct result of taking from the well?
A: Yes.

Zoozeki sends his familiar down the well. The well is cold. At the bottom, the familiar discovers a seam — a round secret door.

Smudge slips into the pool and investigates. He finds four smalls indents across from each other that he thinks can be used to open the door if someone helps him. Tudo jumps into the water. They slowly unscrew the door. There's a watery passage below.

Tudo lights up a coin and drops it down the watery tunnel. The tunnel goes down maybe forty feet before curving away.

Tudo controls water to create an air passage. The tunnel goes mostly north.

We resurface in an underwater lake in a cave with lots of stalactites and stalagmites.. Five skeletons lie on the shore. A passage leads east before branching north-west and south-east.

Todo drops a lighted coin into the lake, which is at least 100 feet deep.

Zoozeki inspects the ceiling. He finds a crevice in the ceiling. Tudo doesn't think the crevice formed naturally….



Map of an underground lake.