Git Along, Tindalos Dogies! ("Whoopie Ti Yi Yog-Sothoth") (2024 October 17 Session Report)

Ed K. (DMing), Paul G. (Zoozeki, Elf Wizard 10), Scott W. (Smudge, Shadar-kai Rogue 8 / Barbarian 2) (Martin, Dwarf Cleric 10), Matt G. (Roscoe, Halfling Bard 10).

This was a short weeknight session.

Last time, we explored a non-Euclidean space linked from the lower floor of the undersea dragon dungeon.

We have thirty minutes left in this dimension before walk among the angles ends. We're standing on top of the smaller to two ziggurats.

We hear a voice from below, a familiar voice. Mr. Wilbarger. We last met him at the Great Northern Library working as a sage and before that on our home planet in Ahklop.

"Well, I never expected to see you here. Figured you'd all be dead by now," Wilbarger says.

Wilbarger is mounted on a horse, costumed as a cowboy, and driving a herd of Picasso cows.

"Where are we?" asks Roscoe.

"You're in the Middle somewhere. My ranching has taken me through here but I'm on my way back to the Real," says Wilbarger.

"Are we in danger?" asks Roscoe.

"Sure as shootin'. There are Tindalos hounds. And see that to the north? That's Yog-Sothoth. I'm gettin' while the gettin's good. Follow me if you want to get out," says Wilbarger.

We follow Wilbarger and his herd.

Hounds of Tidalos watch us.

Time expires on walk between angles and we leave this place. However, we don't end up exactly where we came from. We're in the same dungeon but a different room. (Could have been worse!)

Zoozeki sends the message "What ho, myrmidons?" in several directions but to no effect.

We eventually deduce that we're in the other side of the room we left from, the side across the non-Euclidean fold in space. Three skeletal corpses lie here, near a well of black stone filled with water.

Zoozeki looks through the optical lens Tudo mended last session. He sees the three corpses as they were in life. Their gear was from earlier eras — three different eras. The pool/well sparkles a bit when viewed through the lens. The pool is enticing.

Roscoe looks through the lens. He recognized the periods of the garb of the corpses. The oldest is a two thousand years old. Roscoe thinks this is a wishing well.

Smudge searches the perimeter of the room, looking for hidden doors. The rooms seems like it was hollowed out of solid rock, without hidden doors. When Smudge gets close to the well, he sees it's only six feet deep and coins dot the bottom.

Martin scrutinizes the well through the lens. He thinks, for a second, he sees a dwarf looking back at him — Seamus, the dwarf we long ago grew from a toe and made king of Ahklop!

We search the bodies and find a few coins.

(Does Zoozeki think he could escape to the other side of the non-Euclidean space by assuming gaseous form? Yes.)

Zoozeki casts detect magic and sees that the well radiates conjuration/summoning magic.

We decide to rest in Leomond's Tiny Hut so Martin can prepare Speak with Dead.



Map of the dungeon room with three skeletal corpses and a wishing well.

Map of another dimension. The Middle Place. Watch out for Yog-Sothoth.